A yearlong series of five events conceived, organized, and delivered as a collaboration between four individuals. The co-founders worked together to develop prompts, secure event locations, curate deliverables, and determine participants.
From Downtown to Atwater Village to the Westside to Palm Springs and concluding the series atop the hillside with the city’s most iconic sign, OtR traversed the diverse typologies of Los Angeles with each program serving as a vehicle for advancing the positions of young architects, artists, and designers. We sought to extend the rich history of experimentation in Los Angeles for artists and architects alike.
As the ‘Instigator’ of the project, my role was to carve out and situate our activities within a discursive space; to ground the project within a history of ideas and position its contemporary relevance.
Organizers: Courtney Coffman, Jonathan Louie, Danielle Rago, James Michael Tate